Starting with questions
Through a mutual give and take learning process with the client, we draw out the core motivations for each project. We gather, and then mine the inventory of needs, goals, and unique interests. We discover the most elegant architectural ideas that align with the possibilities offered by the site.
Exploring the limits
We use diagrams, drawings, physical and digital models to test and visually communicate the client’s goals and values. Integrating technical information as we proceed through design, there is a balance of aspiration and reality. Project costs and schedule require a different but equally important level of creativity.
Educated decision-making
Our goal is for the Owner to feel they are in the driver’s seat throughout design and construction. We help Owners balance the many possible directions their project can take. As the fulcrum point of an extended team of talented professionals-- builders, artisans, and designers each with her/his own questions and insights -- we direct the inquiry, conduct the research, and present information to the client phase by phase in manageable steps.
Delivering an integrated project
Detailed construction drawings and specifications that we produce provide a clear roadmap for getting accurate bids, obtaining building permits, and for a coordinated construction process with a general contractor. Our role observing construction is critical to the comprehensive implementation of the design.